Sunday, July 14, 2013

Am I Blue?

  I've had the blues this week.

  As in blueberries. The fruit truck made a trip to Stoughton on Wednesday, so I indulged. I skipped the half-bushel of peaches (it was really hard!) because I still have some freezer from last year. Twenty-five pounds of peaches lasts quite a while in a family of 3. I only got blueberries. Ten pounds of them! I tasted a few right away, and, hmmm. Not. Very. Sweet. Bummer. I put them in the freezer right away, to be ready for later use.
  Today was deemed "jam day" so I cooked up some blueberry-lime jam. It's amazing what 6 cups of sugar will do for sour blueberries. The jam turned out great! So, many of you can expect some tasty jam for Christmas this year. I was on a blueberry roll, so I made a pie too, which is currently cooling. I wish it would hurry up.

And the best part? I still have about 6 pounds left in the freezer.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's that time again!

 Last October, I participated in the Krempels King of the Road Challenge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. This event raised $84,000 for the Krempels Center, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people who live with brain injury. The Center offers programs that engage members in meaningful and productive experiences and provides ongoing support and resources to those impacted by brain injury. In addition, the organization’s community outreach initiative provides education to the public about brain injury and brain injury prevention. Most Krempels Center services are provided free of charge.

  While in New Hampshire, I was invited to the “morning meeting” at the Center, and all I can say is “Wow!” I was immediately made to feel welcome, and I was so impressed by the variety and quality of the programs offered on just that one day (every day offers a different set of programs), I knew I wanted to support this organization whenever possible.

  So, in 3 short months, I’ll be making a trip back to Portsmouth to ride in the 2013 King of the Road Challenge. I do need your help because I have set my fundraising goal at $500, but I’d love surpass that goal just like I did last year.

  Donating online is simple, safe, and speedy! Follow this link to my personal fundraising page and make your donation.

    If you’d like to donate the “old fashioned” way, you can send a check, made out to the Krempels Center; to me at my home address. (deadline for checks is September 15) .All donations are tax deductible. (I will mail  receipts for donations I receive; online donations receive an electronic receipt)
Thank you so much for your support, and please feel free to forward this along to anyone you think may want to support this wonderful organization.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fireworks and stuff

  I guess it's a good thing there was a communication error and the band is not playing on the 4th of July this year. I'll be at my usual Thursday morning location - at the CSA farm, pulling weeds. (The veggies don't take holidays, neither do the farmers.) The turkey chicks were supposed to come this week, so there will be a little fun playing with them. I've claimed the right to name some. I already have names chosen: Roasty, Sandwich, Tetrazzini, Pot Pie, etc. I'm looking forward to my first taste of pastured, organic, fresh turkey. There are supposed to be some piglets coming too, but that might be a little longer. I have names for them too: Ribby, Hammy, Choppy, BBQ, etc. Yum!

Obligatory chick picture:
I know this isn't a turkey, it's Pickles when she was a baby. But she's just so darn cute!