Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'm Not Complaining, But...

The season of shenanigans continues.

In the past 48 hours, these cats have:
  • Stolen and eaten a whole pancake
  • Eaten through the foil and well in to the carrot bread on the counter
  • Eaten part of a twist-tie
  • Spilled about a gallon of water
  • Attempted to eat out of the cereal bowl while I was still enjoying my Mini Wheats

And picture this:
I'm standing naked in front of the closet, trying to find something to wear. No, wait. DO NOT picture that - I don't want you to have to deal with that mental image.
Anyway, I'm standing at the closet, and The Captain leaps from the bed behind me to my shoulder. Apparently he wanted to help me choose which pants he would be covering with cat hair today.

But they have also been adorably cute and cuddly, so that totally makes up for it.

See how adorable?

In other news, I'm making progress on our blanket for the Krempels Center. Three more squares arrived today from Australia, and I'm expecting the last batch from Seattle tomorrow. Donations are trickling in. Help me spread the word by forwarding the website to anyone you think might be interested in a beautiful hand-knit blanket.

And that reminds me, I've got some knitting to do!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Little Late-Night Excitement

First off - Don't forget to make a donation to the Kremepels Center so you can have a chance to win a beautiful hand-knit blanket. Just click the "Donate Now" button to the right

And now, on to the story:

Last night, about midnight, the cats were having Wrestlemania IV on the bed so I kicked them out of the bedroom, and they continues their festivities in the hall. Just as I was finally drifting back to sleep, one of them starts going nuts at the door - I'm pretty sure he was chewing on the door. Karl got up to deal with the troublemaker, and to visit the loo. It was quite a while before he came back. He poked me and said "Hey, you'll never guess what happened!" Well, that's not something you like to hear at 1 am.

Karl said he heard the boys fighting, but when he got up, he only saw one kitten. Understandable, since Bogey is blacker-than-black and pretty much invisible at night. But then he heard a distant meow. He followed the meow down to the basement. He checked the office - nope, but he was getting warmer. Next stop - the furnace room. Yup. He was in there somewhere. Karl looked behind the furnace and didn't see him, but he was definitely in there - meows were much louder - coming from INSIDE THE FURNACE. He pulled out the air filter, and out came Bogey! Somehow, the kittens wrestling knocked the vent cover off the cold-air return duct in the hall and Bogey fell down the duct. Never fear:
  1. We have a tiny 1 storey house, he was unhurt.
  2. The furnace has not yet been turned on for the year
  3. Bogey wasn't phased in the least.
We credit Captain Fuzzypants for alerting us to the situation, so they both got let back in to the bedroom for the rest of the night. Bogey snuggled right up and went to sleep. The Captain brought a toy and kept me up for another hour.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Moving along...

The seasons are moving along at a nice clip. We had some snow flurries last night (supposedly - I didn't see them). The leaves are falling, the chickens are molting too so it's a mixture of leaves and feathers in the back yard.

A few weeks ago, we took advantage of a beautiful day and went apple picking. The tiny trees were loaded, and it only took a few minutes to pick 20 lbs of apples!
Notice my award-winning sweater!
I volunteered to be Karl's support at his cyclocross races. 
He had a little "incident" at the race in Lake Geneva.
That's NOT where the seat belongs, Karl!
We also went to see the pros race in Waterloo.
Both Jeremys in one shot!

Katrina doesn't enjoy cyclocross as much as her parents do.

Katrina tried out for Jazz Band at school - she worked really hard on her audition music - we'll find out on Monday if she made it. She's also joining the 8th grade "bucket band" for the upcoming talent show. I'm not really looking forward to her practicing that music at home.

I tried out a new look for our LMS dances - Rosie the Riveter. I think it's may favorite because it's the easiest. Jeans, a denim shirt, red socks and loafers!
Yeah, I know - the purple hair clashes with the red bandanna.

My grandmother's name was Rose, so I think it's fitting...