Thursday, October 8, 2015

Last Call!!

It's almost time!! I'm getting excited. You still have a few days to get in on the fun, too!

Make a donation to the Krempels Center and:

  1. You'll be my bestest BFF!
  2. You'll get that "feel-good" feeling inside
  3. You could win a really awesome blanket
  4. You will hep the people at the Krempels Center continue the work they do
Follow the link to the right, the one that says DONATE. That;'s all you need to do.

Thank you and good day!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Hard To Imagine It Right Now

I know it's difficult for you to think about - definitely not something to look forward to for most people. But pretty soon, the weather outside is going to look like this:

Snow, slush, blech!
You're probably asking "But what can I do about it?" - Nothing, absolutely nothing, I tell you!

Which is exactly why you need this:

A super warm and snuggly, washable wool blanket to cuddle under with your main-squeeze! (as long as you have a main squeeze with whom to cuddle, otherwise, solo is good too!)

"But Becky, how can I get  this fabulous blanket?" you're asking.

It's so easy! Simply make a donation to the Krempels Center via my fundraising page

Once you make a donation of any amount, you are automatically entered in a drawing to win the beautiful, soft, squishy blankie.

So do me a favor, show me some love, show the Krempels Center some love too. Make a donation. Pretty please??

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's that time again

I'm doing it again. I've registered to ride in the Krempels King of the Road Challenge. I know I can do my part - riding the 30 miles in beautiful New Hampshire, on a beautiful fall day. I need you to do your part - donate! (you knew it was coming, didn't you?)
I've placed a handy-dandy link just to the right, for your convenience.

There may be something in it for you, too. Besides that good feeling you get inside when you donate to a worthy cause, you could win a bee-you-tee-ful hand knit blanket! (photos pending, since the blanket is still in about 12 pieces). Donate any amount, and you'll be entered in a "thank you!" drawing to be held the weekend of Oct 17th. I'm hoping last year' winner will draw the winning name for me (I'm sure she will), because that's much more exciting than making a spreadsheet and using an online random number generator.

I'll keep you posted on my fundraising progress, just check back at the ol' blog every so often for updates.

Friday, March 27, 2015

I know. It's been a while.

Dear Readers of My Humble Little Blog,

I am sorry. Sorry I've not written in a long time. I've been busy knitting, and planning more knitting, and vacuuming up cat hair. But fear not! For here I am again!

March is kind of kicking my butt. The weather has been sketchy, the time change really threw me for a loop, and I'm still recovering from a night out last weekend (I'm so sleepy!). We had some beautiful warm spring days, then a week later, we got eight inches of snow. My daffodils are very confused.

The good news is: I booked two out of three vacations for the year! As usual, they are all jammed up around the same time of year, but that's not my fault. All the trips revolve around events and I had no choice of dates. But, vacation is vacation. I know I can last until then!

I did also get a new fruit-based device. I may still have a dumb-phone that I rarely use, but as long as there's WiFi, I'm with the times. I have 4.3 days worth of music, social media, and a nice camera to play with.

See? I'm hip like the kids with the Instagram!

The cats continue to entertain us constantly. Bogey has learned to play fetch, which is super cute. Unless it's 3am, then it's just rude. You have to hide the cat toy under your pillow, and then it takes him a good 10 minutes before he gives up searching for it and lays down. The Captain continues to be handsome, although hairy (hence the aforementioned vacuuming)

I just realized that Syttende Mai is rapidly approaching. I did promise my old boss that I'd bake krumkake, so I'd better practice up. Anybody want some cookies?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

No Worries

A couple of weeks ago, I volunteered to bake something for a bake sale. I decided to use a couple of old recipes I haven't made in ages (literally at least a decade), and both of them use boxed cake mixes. If you know me at all, you know I bake from scratch. I have not purchased a cake mix in years. But I was really craving these two things, so I caved and bought 4 boxes of Betty Crocker mixes. Yes, four, because they were on sale, and I can always donate the extras to the food pantry. Well my caramel brownies sold out right away, and the pistachio cake was a hit too. And yes, I paid money to eat my own baked goods - it was for a good cause.

This past week was my Dad's birthday. Dad appreciates tasty baked goods, so I volunteered to bake his cake. Lo an behold, I was low on flour and there wasn't enough to bake a cake. (I know! What is wrong with me? I normally have a stash of flour in the freezer)  On this particular night, we were having a little bit of a snowstorm. Not terrible, but enough so that I didn't want to go back out. Plus I already had my fuzzy PJ pants on.

So, I got out one more cake mix, dressed it up a little bit with some chocolate marbling, and Voila! Dad's cake. It was pretty tasty, but I couldn't stop thinking about all the ingredients that can't pronounce in that are in that mix. It didn't stop me from eating it, mind you, but the thought was still there.

The fact remains that I'm almost out of white flour and completely out of whole wheat. I'm picky about my flour and I only buy King Arthur brand. They carry it at our grocery store, but not the White Whole Wheat variety I use - I always slip a little whole wheat flour in everything I bake. It makes it healthy.- A trip to Woodman's is in order! They carry every kind of food you will ever need, including King Arthur White Whole Wheat flour. There is a Woodman's conveniently located near where I work, so I stopped yesterday after work.  To my delight, they now carry the 10 lb bags!

I bought 30 pounds of flour. That should hold me for a couple of months.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


I have a big family. Not so much immediate family - just 1 sister and 2 parents. But my extended family is just that - extended. I think we counted 21 cousins. I don't think there has been a time when the entire clan has been together in one place. It will probably never happen.

I have a few cousins that I haven't seen in over a decade. I have a few cousins that I really don't even know, have only seen a couple of times. We are spread all over the country.

A couple of my cousins tried to plan a reunion, but things fell through. Even though I wasn't going to be able to go, I was still disappointed. We're going to try again - make some different plans. See if we can get it to stick this time. It's going to be a challenge, but I think I'm up to it.

And any cousins reading this - please comment with any ideas you might have!!