Friday, March 27, 2015

I know. It's been a while.

Dear Readers of My Humble Little Blog,

I am sorry. Sorry I've not written in a long time. I've been busy knitting, and planning more knitting, and vacuuming up cat hair. But fear not! For here I am again!

March is kind of kicking my butt. The weather has been sketchy, the time change really threw me for a loop, and I'm still recovering from a night out last weekend (I'm so sleepy!). We had some beautiful warm spring days, then a week later, we got eight inches of snow. My daffodils are very confused.

The good news is: I booked two out of three vacations for the year! As usual, they are all jammed up around the same time of year, but that's not my fault. All the trips revolve around events and I had no choice of dates. But, vacation is vacation. I know I can last until then!

I did also get a new fruit-based device. I may still have a dumb-phone that I rarely use, but as long as there's WiFi, I'm with the times. I have 4.3 days worth of music, social media, and a nice camera to play with.

See? I'm hip like the kids with the Instagram!

The cats continue to entertain us constantly. Bogey has learned to play fetch, which is super cute. Unless it's 3am, then it's just rude. You have to hide the cat toy under your pillow, and then it takes him a good 10 minutes before he gives up searching for it and lays down. The Captain continues to be handsome, although hairy (hence the aforementioned vacuuming)

I just realized that Syttende Mai is rapidly approaching. I did promise my old boss that I'd bake krumkake, so I'd better practice up. Anybody want some cookies?