I'm doing it again. I've registered to ride in the Krempels King of the Road Challenge. I know I can do my part - riding the 30 miles in beautiful New Hampshire, on a beautiful fall day. I need you to do your part - donate! (you knew it was coming, didn't you?)
I've placed a handy-dandy link just to the right, for your convenience.
There may be something in it for you, too. Besides that good feeling you get inside when you donate to a worthy cause, you could win a bee-you-tee-ful hand knit blanket! (photos pending, since the blanket is still in about 12 pieces). Donate any amount, and you'll be entered in a "thank you!" drawing to be held the weekend of Oct 17th. I'm hoping last year' winner will draw the winning name for me (I'm sure she will), because that's much more exciting than making a spreadsheet and using an online random number generator.
I'll keep you posted on my fundraising progress, just check back at the ol' blog every so often for updates.