Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I am still in waiting mode. Ugh! So frustrating!
I hate not knowing what's going to be happening in 2 weeks. I am one of those "plan ahead and be organized" kind of people. Normally, I'd have our Thanksgiving plans nailed down - where we're going, what I'm bringing, when do I need to bake... Nope, not this year.
Am I going to be able to play with the Ladies on Dec 4? City Band on Dec 12? Everything is still up in the air.
I do know that I have an appointment on Tuesday at 1:00.
I do know that I'll be having surgery in the near future.
I do know that there's no way I'll get all my Christmas knitting done unless I get the yarn ordered soon.
Yeah, I am still planning my Christmas knitting.
You get cancer. But life goes on. Christmas will still come. We'll still get a tree. I'll still want cardamom coffee cake on Christmas morning. Oh crap, it's my birthday too. I'll still get older. At least I'll have an excuse to spend my birthday with my family - who actually will acknowledge that it is my birthday (and I won't have to bring my own birthday cake).

Thankfully, the next 7 days will be busy ones, hopefully that will make the week go faster.

1 comment :

Sunita said...

Just caught up on your posts. Glad you have an answer and it is a managable one. My advice to you is to continue to make plans - they can always be broken - people will understand. Don't let this change what you do or what you plan to do. I have you in my thoughts and prayers everyday! XOXO Sunita