Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The waiting game

Eleven days ago I got the phone call nobody wants. "You have breast cancer."
Not what you want to hear while you're at work, wrapping some child's birthday present. But, that's how it happened, and I can't change it.

Today was to be my MRI to see how involved the cancer is. But, apparently some tech nerd couldn't figure out how to fix the software glitch, so now I have to wait until friday. Tomorrow is my "genetic counseling" appointment. I'm a little nervous about it, I don't really want to hear "Your daughter is at high risk to develop cancer later." Do what you want to me, Mr Cancer, but leave Katrina out of it.

I started a new knitting project today while I was waiting to hear when I could reshhedule. Knitting is a major stress reliever for me. Much better than eating an entire box of Nilla Wafers. So, Karl will be the first recipient of my stress knitting. I should probably finish the two projects that are already half-done, but I do have a touch of knitting ADD.


dmattsey said...


I'm really sorry to hear that. Glad you are keeping your sense of humor, and knitting skills up. Both are incredibly powerful tools to combat stress. I'll be sure to keep you in my thoughts during this first of many chapters for you.


Unknown said...

I totally love that you are writing like this. I will tell all of the hot cyclists that I know about this. There's not too many. Yet!
Love, your cuz Polly

Jill said...

Hang in there, girlfriend. I know you're tougher than the cancer and will beat this. I'll be tuning in for updates and for pix of hot cyclists from your cousin, Polly! LOL!

kardana said...

Hi Becky! We're rooting for you! Thank you so much for posting this blog. I'll follow your progress and I know you'll beat this! This cuz doesn't know any hot cyclists but...maybe some hot Hawaiian Surfers??
Love you!

Kristina Plaas said...

As one who has used knitting as therapy to deal my own health issues, I wish you an abundant stash of yarn, plenty of inspiring projects,and the focus and energy to work on them as you fight your breast cancer. May you find hope in every stitch!

Unknown said...

Oh we get to play the waiting game. I would be going for the Nilla wafers, I tried knitting when I was about 13, it did not work out. I made tamales last night for the first time ever green chile n chicken, beef and shrimp. Need some work, I think they were over steamed. Great idea for the blog. MDJ

So little time said...

Thinking of you today. Even though we may not understand the reason right now, everything DOES happen for a reason. Hugs, Lee Ann

kardana said...

Hoping for the best news possible for you today Becky!

Unknown said...

Thinking about you! Prayers going your way.

Unknown said...

What kind of yarn do you want? I think I will send you some, but how much for a project?
Love you lots.