Sunday, December 5, 2010


Wow. I had a great time last night with Ladies Must Swing. (yes, I know they need to update the bios and photos - email the webmistress) Despite playing for 3 hours, my lip held out, but my feet did not. I worked an 8 hour day at Giggles, then had to put on some heels and stand for 3 hours - how come only the trumpets have to stand? Because we're the best looking - that's why!
I started playing with the Ladies about a year and a half ago, as a substitute. Then, last summer, they asked me to be a permanent member. We have such a good time, and my playing has definitely improved because of them. I look forward to each and every gig.
I didn't get home until midnight (gasp!), and Katrina even let me sleep in this morning. I thank her for that. Those mornings are few and far between.

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