It was one of those "I need a weekend to recover from the weekend" weekends. Saturday was our troop's cookie booth. I was the one who organized, so naturally, I ended up working shifts because everyone else was "too busy" (OK except for the one leader who was at a funeral, she was excused). It turned in to an all day affair - cookie pick-up at 9am, set up at 9:30, our "shift" was 11:30-2:00. then tear down and haul all the leftover cookies into my living room so Karl can use the car on Sunday. So, I relaxed a bit, did some knitting, and somehow injured my middle finger in the process!
Sunday was Karl's cyclocross race. I had to bribe Katrina with doughnuts so she'd come along quietly. She did have fun, so did I. I'm not sure if Karl would say it was fun. Is he smiling, or grimacing?
Katrina decided it was time to go, and just as we got to the car, it started to rain. Excellent timing! Back home, I relaxed for a few, then tackled the laundry before passing out at about 9:15.
Up early this morning, I was up in time to fight with Katrina about taking a 25 minute shower. (How can it take that long? There's not that much to her!) Now I'm off to return our unsold cookies, then straight to work. No time for coffee (no cash either: I spent it yesterday on doughnuts!).
Wish me luck on staying awake. Tea will only get me so far.
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