So the month of June has turned out to be pretty busy for me. Six LMS performances, one City Band concert, and a 40 hour work week all in the last 2 weeks of the month! There have been a lot of late nights (late for me, anyway). Needless to say, I'm sleepy!
The chicks are doing good - growing, keeping me entertained. They're at a really ugly stage right now when their regulation feathers are coming in, so no photos until their looks improve (and I have time to take some!). The chicken coop is almost finished:
I went with a "peas and carrots" color scheme. |
Word must be getting around that I'm a good bird caretaker because today I had a fledgling sparrow keep me company at Giggles (the third one this year!) She was pretty cute, and luckily, I had my camera with me today.
I named her Sylvia. |
We've had a few "odd" Ladies Must Swing performances lately. Last week, it was a Healthcare Marketing convention, where we were "background music." Who hires a 19 piece jazz band for background?
At least it was outdoors, and the weather was nice.
Then, last night we played at the National Women's Music Festival. We were honored to be invited, even though we really didn't know anything about it. Well, lets just say, I didn't see any men in the crowd, but I did see a whole lot of buzz cuts, hairy legs and combat boots. I felt very out of place.
Tonight, we played for a fundraiser for the Badger Honor Flight. It was "Honor the Military" night at the local stock car races, so we were invited to play before the race, and then the National Anthem and Armed Forces Salute. The cars were doing their qualifying laps while we were playing, so I'm not sure anyone actually heard us until they turned on their hi-tech sound system:
Honest to Pete - they gave some kid a PA mic and he held it in front of our speaker! |
At least that gig was done by 7:30, and it was only 6 miles from my house (we can hear the roar of the cars in our back yard)
Now, just one more day of work, then I don't have to work again until next friday. And I have 4 whole days before another LMS gig!
By the way, the NEW Ladies Must Swing CD "Just For A Thrill" is finally available! And I am actually playing on it! If anyone wants one, they are $20 (sorry, no friends & family discount), just let me know!
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