Saturday, October 5, 2013

Warm and Cozy

  I've been stewing on a blog post lately, not sure if I should keep it under wraps a few more weeks, or if I should shout it from the mountaintops. Nothing earth-shattering, but something I really proud of. I think I need to do a little shouting.

  You all should know by now that in a couple of weeks, I'm going to ride in the Krempels King of the Road Challenge. Even though I have no personal association with the Krempels Center, it is an organization I am happy to support. Not just because my favorite cyclist supports it, but I have really been moved by what they do there. I nagged you asked for your support, and you gave it. But I'm still short of what I raised last year. (there's still time - here's the link!) Because the Krempels Center provides their programs free of charge, every dollar raised is important to keeping their programming at a high level.

  With this in mind, keep reading.

  Last spring, my knitting group (who are also fans of pro cycling fans) decided to do something in support of one of our favorite cyclists, who happens to have a personal connection to the Krempels Center. We decided to make a blanket to give to the Center, so they can raise money by raffling it off. Knitted squares started arriving at my house in August. By September, it was laid out (even Karl helped with the layout, so it would look just right), and all I had to do was put the squares together. Wow, it came together quickly and easily, and I am very proud to show you our work.

Those of you that supported me may get emails or newsletters from the Krempels Center in the future. I don't know when the blanket will raffled, so keep an eye out, and buy some tickets! This is a really nice afghan. I want it for myself. I know I'll buy some raffle tickets!

Next year's blanket is already in the planning stages.

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