Sunday, November 9, 2014

Finish Line!

One marathon ends, another begins.

The weekend at knit camp was uber-productive - with Kathy M's help, I got the blanket put together and half of the edges done. A mere four days later, the edges are finished, thus ending the knitting marathon.

There's just one week to go before the lucky winner's name is selected, and we're not anywhere near our fundraising goal! Every little bit helps - even a $5.00 donation gets you one chance of winning this beautiful blanket. Imagine a cold January night, snuggling with your Honey by the fire, under a cozy warm blankie, sipping hot cider, maybe a little smooching... Or how about just napping on the couch on a lazy Saturday? Yeah, you want this blanket!

Get out your wallet right now and give the Krempels Center a little love. I'll be forever grateful.

And the marathon that's starting? Christmas knitting! Socks. Mittens. Scarves. My fingers will be flying!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

In which I go west

So today I drove 6 1/2 hours so I could knit.

Well, not exactly, but yes, that's what I did. I'm currently in Nebraska, at Ponca State Park, in the Osprey cabin. Well, not exactly a cabin, more like a woodland palace. I mean the place has cable TV and Wi-Fi, for crying out loud! But I digress.

As a consolation for not being able to take my vacation this fall, I got to come to knit camp. Well, it's not exactly an official camp. There aren't any counselors or anything. But here I am, in the woods, knitting.

The drive here was really pretty boring. Once I hit Iowa, it was literally due west across the entire state. That part when I almost ran out of gas was fun. Well, not exactly fun. More exciting than fun. There is not a lot of civilization in Iowa. I was not sure I had enough gas to get to the next major city, so I took a chance and turned off into a town.

Well, not exactly a town. More like a grain elevator, a bar, 3 houses, and an unmanned gas pump. Luckily, it was a real gas pump with a credit card reader, so I filled up.

Then there was that 40 mile stretch when the 4 lane divided highway quickly became a 2 lane country highway. In that 40 mile stretch - one single town. And corn. A lot of corn. But the scenery was pretty - rolling hills, farms, manure...

But now it's lights out. Tomorrow is arts & crafts!

I love camp.