So today I drove 6 1/2 hours so I could knit.
Well, not exactly, but yes, that's what I did. I'm currently in Nebraska, at Ponca State Park, in the Osprey cabin. Well, not exactly a cabin, more like a woodland palace. I mean the place has cable TV and Wi-Fi, for crying out loud! But I digress.
As a consolation for not being able to take my vacation this fall, I got to come to knit camp. Well, it's not exactly an official camp. There aren't any counselors or anything. But here I am, in the woods, knitting.
The drive here was really pretty boring. Once I hit Iowa, it was literally due west across the entire state. That part when I almost ran out of gas was fun. Well, not exactly fun. More exciting than fun. There is not a lot of civilization in Iowa. I was not sure I had enough gas to get to the next major city, so I took a chance and turned off into a town.
Well, not exactly a town. More like a grain elevator, a bar, 3 houses, and an unmanned gas pump. Luckily, it was a real gas pump with a credit card reader, so I filled up.
Then there was that 40 mile stretch when the 4 lane divided highway quickly became a 2 lane country highway. In that 40 mile stretch - one single town. And corn. A lot of corn. But the scenery was pretty - rolling hills, farms, manure...
But now it's lights out. Tomorrow is arts & crafts!
I love camp.
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