Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yup, I did.

Our overnight at the Kalahari Resort was fun. Sort of. We went to the water park after we checked in. We went straight to the first slide - an all-enclosed winding tube. I was second down. It took a minute or two for my brain to catch up with me eyes when I got down. Am I standing or laying down? Next slide - another enclosed tube. And it took even longer for me to recover - I could feel my brain trying to figure out which way was up. A little rest, then Karl and I tried a "raft" slide - only partially enclosed. That was it. I was done. I was seasick! I sat for a while, but the noise of the rushing water and the strong chlorine smell, it was too much. Luckily, we were all hungry, so we dried off and went for dinner. The rest of the bunch went to the theme park, but I stayed behind and tried to regain my "land legs." I was worried, because I had already shelled out twenty bucks for a surfing lesson the next morning!

I did manage to recover enough for my surf lesson. It was at 7:30am, before the park was open, so Karl couldn't come in to watch. Which is too bad, because I'm sure I looked ridiculous for the first half an hour. I couldn't get the hang of standing up, so we switched to the bodyboard. I did catch on to that, but WOW! It was hard work. I was the only person who had signed up, so I spent the entire hour on the wave. By the end, I was wiped out, but happy. I could jump in, go back & forth, pop up and kneel, and go back & forth while kneeling. I didn't want to learn the roll, because I was pretty sure I'd lose my swimsuit bottoms if I tried it!

After a short break back at the room - we all went back to the water park. Katrina and Audrey (the BFF) went straight to the slides. We found a table next to the wave pool, and all I did was LOOK at the waves and I was immediately dizzy and nauseous! I spent the next couple of hours sitting, not looking at the water. I didn't want to waste my surf lesson, so I got in line for the surf wave. Karl and the girls came to watch, even though Katrina swore she wasn't going to watch because she was sure I would lose my pants. Well, my arms were so tired from the morning lesson, I could barely pull myself up onto my knees. I did get a "Good Job!" from one of the little kids waiting in line after my 2nd run.

After that the girls were done with the water park and it was lunch time, so we changed clothes and went back to the amusement park. I could barely lift my arms by this time, so I did not attempt the ropes course. I did try the climbing wall, but didn't get very far. I was still seasick, so I didn't ride the Ferris Wheel (Karl rode it alone). Mostly, I just sat and tried not to be green. I was not looking forward to the drive home. (I made it without incident)

I did play Laser Tag. I lost.

This was all the higher I could get - I'm the one in pink.

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