Sunday, January 16, 2011


It seems like months since I was first diagnosed. Oh wait, it was months - three and a half actually. Now it's just one more day (because it's almost bedtime, so today doesn't count anymore). It was a busy day - cleaning, laundry - really exciting stuff. I did cast on a new knitting project: a scarf for a friend. I attempted to fix the huge, gaping hole in Karl's sock (failure - guess I'll have to make him another pair soon).

Nobody wants to hear about that pert of my boring life though.

Tomorrow I have my pre-op appointment with the plastic surgeon who's doing the reconstruction part of my surgery. He's the same Dr. that did my reduction surgery, almost 5 years ago to the day. He's great and I have total confidence in his abilities.

Then, late afternoon I have to go to the hospital for my "lymph node mapping". Basically, they're injecting bright blue dye into my right boob so they know exactly which lymph nodes are associated with that area. Then, they'll only take those lymph nodes for biopsy. This is my biggest worry - that the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. When I had my MRI in October, it didn't show any lymph node involvement, but that was 3 months ago. Lymph node involvement equals chemo and/or radiation, and that would suck. I finally have my hair grown out long (after 2 1/2 years of waiting) and don't want to lose it, and we have a big vacation planned for May, and I don't want to miss that!

So, one more pre-surgical post tomorrow, then off to the hospital at o'dark thirty tuesday morning.

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